Meeting called to order by Lisa Connelly 9:50pm
Meeting place: Ramstein NOrthside Chapel annex, 31 members and 5 visitors present
Business: Lisa Connelly
April 2005 minutes were approved as printed in May newsletter. Finanacial report was also approved.
Michelle Wood and Kim Amann have left us. Lynn Miller, Michelle Hale and Donna Lentner will also be leaving soon. We
thank them all for their contributions to the guild.
Sandy will take over our global e-mail. Thank you Sandy.
We are still looking for a historian. Currently the secretary is doing the job, however it is too much to do two jobs
at the meeting. Kim Obmann will donare a digital camera and printer to the guild for the historian to use. This will make
the job easier.
Old News:
QOV's work will be done 5/20 and 5/21 at the Northside Chapel annex.
CASF stars are due by the next night meeting. These are for the USO office quilt.
If you have something of interest to share with the group, please feel free to submit it to the newsletter. Contact Pam
Douglas with your information.
New News:
1-6 July there is a trrip to Russia for 800 Euro per person. If interested, please contact joan Albright.
Kids of Tsunami Card Project are looking for donations of Christmas fabric. Give these to the Memebership table.
Lisa still has the quilt labels with Kimberly Einmo's signature for her mystery quilt from the last retreat. She also
has the pattern for sale.
15-18 Sept. European Patchwork Show in France. This is a wonderful opportunity to seehow the Europeans quilt. If
interested in going, please contact Lisa. You may visit the website for more information.
Pfaff 2144 owners, are you looking for a support group? A member has expressed interest. Please contact Lisa if you are
Programs: Kim Obmann
Fall Retreat will be 7-9 October 2005 at Hambachtal. There will be no classes offered to allow you all the time to work
on your projects of choice.
28 Oct 2005 there will be a Halloween party for the family instead of a Stitch-N-Gab. We are looking for committee members.
17 Nov 05 Combined meeting location will be announced at a later date. We are looking into a location other than the
school cafeteria.
3 Dec 05 Christmas party at Hambachtal. This will be an afternoon affair with lots of good food, prizes, challenge judging,
ornament exchange and introduction of new board members.
A fabric sale in the Fall will be used to raise funds for the Christmas party.
spring 06 we willl have a couple of guest speakers to look forward to early May to June. Maggie Davis, author of "Perfecr
Points" offers a free book signing, so buy her book. Her class is a technique class. Brenda Papadokis author of "Dear jane"
will also be visiting us, We are also looking into some wonderful local teachers.
1 June 2005 Agroup will be car pooling to Stuttgart to attend their quilt guils's Stitch-N-Gab. They call theirs second
editions. Contact Kim if you are interested.
Heidelberg Arts and Crafts is offering to do a group mailing of their block of the month. The cost is $8.50 per month.
Please contact Barbara in Membership if you want to participate.
Classes: Tina Kirschling
23 May Becky's Stained Glass $20.00
6 June Moye's japanes Puzzle $20.00. This will be a 2 part class. The second class time and location will be discussed
at the first class.
18 June 0900-1800 Trip Around the World $15.00
Celtic Knot class by Tina willbe done after one of the meetings. Please check your newsletter and e-mails for updates.
Tina will be taking classes at to improve her teaching skills. She encourages anyone interested in
teaching a class to check out the website.
Last Monday in June there will be a Statue of Liberty stained glass with Becky.
Today's Program
Today the Dutch Challenge quilts were voted on. They will go on to the night meeting for further voting. Of you vote
today, please do not vote at the night neeting. Thank you for your cooperation.
The next day meeting is Thrusday June 16th.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15am
Respectively submitted,
//Signed 19 May 05//
Betty Kern, RPQG secretary