Duties of Officers
Powers and Duties: The executive board shall consist of the guild officers. Officers shall serve no more than two one
year consecutive terms in a particular office. Each officer shall attend scheduled board meetings. Should more than two unexcused
absences occur, the officer may be asked to resign their position at the discretion of the president.
1. President
a. Acts as a liaison between executive board and general membership.
b. Presides at all meetings
c. Appoints all standing committees and any temporary committee for a specific purpose.
d. Serves as ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
e. Establishes a schedule for business meetings. The first meeting shall be conducted as soon after the annual election
as possible to appoint standing committee chairpersons.
f. Receives annual reports from all officers and chairpersons at the December business meeting. These reports shall not
exceed two single spaced typewritten pages. They shall be filed by the secretary and shall be available to the membership.
g. Co-signs checks for authorized disbursements.
h. Calls additional meetings as necessary.
2. Past Presidents serve in advisory capacity on the executive board.
3. First Vice-President
a. Acts for the President if absent
b. Challenges the guild to a special project at least twice per year, i.e. fabric challenge, color challenge, theme challenge
any other topic.
c. Schedules classes and activities for guild members and arranges monthly meetings.
d. Co-signs checks for authorized disbursements.
4. Second Vice-President
a. Arranges monthly programs.
b. Acts for the President if the President and Vice President are absent.
c. Maintains membership questionnaires notebook.
d. Acts as chairman for any trips the guild wishes to take to local quilt shows or quilt shops.
e. Coordinates block of the month.
f. Co-signs checks for authorized disbursements.
5. Secretary
a. Keeps all official guild records.
b. Keeps minutes of general and executive board meetings, and acts as parliamentarian.
c. Handles guild correspondence.
d. Advises absent executive board members of business conducted at board meetings upon request of absent member.
e. Notifies executive board members of called meetings and changes of meeting place or time.
f. Keeps a record of all guild newsletters and minutes to be a permanent record of the guilds history for the archives.
g. Co-signs checks for authorized disbursements.
6. Treasurer
a. Collects dues and all other guild funds. The Treasurer will collect dues only before and after the program.
b. Records all receipts and pays all bills incurred by the guild. All funds shall be deposited in a unit fund account.
Accounts shall be
in the name of the guild.
c. Prepares all financial reports.
d. Prepares a monthly financial report to be given at the general meeting and for newsletter publication.
e. Prepares a projection of revenues and expenses.
f. Co-signs checks for authorized disbursements.
g. Prepares an annual summary of all receipts and disbursements for the periods ending June 30 and December 31 of each
Article II
Election and Voting
1. The executive board shall appoint a nominating committee at the August board meeting. The committee shall consist of
at least three but no more than five persons from the membership at large.
2. The nominating committee shall present the proposed slate of officers at the October board meeting. The slate of officers
shall be published in the newsletter prior to the election of officers.
3. The slate of officers will be presented to the membership at the October general meeting.
4. Elections will be held at the November general meeting as the last order of business.
5. Voting will be by secret written ballot. Absentee ballots must be turned in to the chairperson of the nomination committee
by election day.
6. A majority of votes cast is required to be elected.
7. A quorum must be present to hold an election.
8. Officers term of office will be from January to December.
9. Any vacancy due to PCSing board members shall be filled by presidential appointee with board approval.
Article III
Dues and Fees
1. Annual dues paid between January and June will be $18.00.
2. Dues shall not be refundable.
3. Failure to pay dues shall be considered as voluntary withdrawal from the guild.
4. The guild fiscal year shall be January 1 through December 31.
5. Disbursements (not budgeted) of less than $25.00 shall be made upon approval of the president, $25 to $100 shall be
approved by the executive board, and any amount exceeding $100 shall be approved by the membership at large.
6. The Treasurers books shall be audited in December each year. The President shall appoint an audit committee consisting
of two members at large to perform the audit. They will file a report with the president when completed.
Article IV
Standing Committee
Committees: Each committee chair shall attend scheduled board meetings. Should more than two unexcused absences occur,
the president may appoint a new committee chair at the discretion of the board.
1. Hospitality: Prepares coffee at each function, arranges for clean up and stores materials.
2. Publicity: Creates flyers and promotes activities of the guild.
3. Librarian: Maintains an inventory of all books, magazines, templates and videotapes, keeps a record of all borrowed
4. Newsletter editor: Distributes guild newsletter. Officers and chairpersons shall submit items for newsletter at the
general membership
meeting and the business meeting. Any member may submit articles for publication upon newsletter editor approval. Maintains
the current roster
with the help of the Treasurer.
5. Membership: Greets new members with packets (rosters, copy of constitution, questionnaires) and introduces them to
the membership.
Coordinates birthday block and going-away block program for members.
6. Historian: Takes photographs of guild events and maintains album.
7. Baby Love: Coordinates the guilds charitable outreach program.
8. Special Activities: President may appoint a special committee chairman to meet the needs of the guild.
Article V
Membership is required for further attendance after attending one meeting as a guest.
1. Active members are those who pay dues, attend meetings, participate in guild activities and/or works on committees.
2. Members need not be proficient in the art of quilting.
3. Members have the privilege of:
a. Attending monthly meetings
b. Casting a vote in the election of officers.
c. Participating and voting on organizational activities, policy decisions and amendments.
d. Holding an office or committee chairmanship.
e. Attending business meetings, but not voting.
f. Upon joining the guild, members shall receive a copy of the current constitution and by-laws. Members shall receive
a newsletter
g. Members have their responsibility to support and uphold the principles and rules of the guild and to observe common
courtesies. Children under 10 are not allowed (except for non-mobile infants).
4. Friendship blocks: Each member who has been an active member of the guild for at least six months will be allowed to
select a farewell block of the quilters choice. The newsletter editor needs to be notified three months in advance of departure
(if possible) to allow time for publication of instructions. Long-term members may choose a block three months prior to their
birthday. This may be done only once every five years.
Article VI
Challenge winners will be determined by secret ballot of the membership and prizes will not exceed the amount of $50.00
for each event.